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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Turkey Time

We had our first school project this past weekend - Our Family Turkey. JD's teacher gave us an outline of a turkey and we had to decorate it with things from around the house, ie. feathers, paints, fabric, uncooked noodles, etc.,  I didn't have time to go to the craft store to buy materials, so we had to use whatever we had around the house.

I asked JD what he wanted to use and he just wanted to color it with crayons. That wasn't gonna fly, so I came up with the idea of using scrapbook paper for the feathers. I cut small pieces of paper in each color category and we made little collages on each feather.

Then we used brown pom-poms I had leftover from a Halloween project last year. I cut the fur off each ball and we pasted that for the body of the turkey. It really helps to be a scrapbooker because I had all kinds of cool stuff on hand to use for decoration. The eye is a sparkly blue brad, and the beak and gizzard are colored in with Stickles (glittery puffy paint).

I really liked our end product. I think JD liked it too. . . . . I think.

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