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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Dancing with the MonStars

Every year at work we have a Costume Contest. Over the last couple of years, it's become more of a highly-anticipated entertainment show than a contest. Teams get together and put on well-orchestrated, elaborate dances and skits. Last year, our Middle Market team re-enacted the famous flash mob scene from Oprah's Black-Eyed-Pea episode. It starts with what appears to be a crazy lady dancing to the music in the very front, then others near her join in and it eventually spreads and the entire crowd is dancing a choreographed dance. (It really is pretty cool - you should google it.) So we did that as our skit. And of course.......I was the crazy lady that got it started. Our team won first place which was $75 to use as we wished (we bought breakfast for the team).

So this year, we had a big name to live up to, and had to top it. We decided to do a Halloween edition of Dancing with the Stars. Complete with hosts, judges, crowd control, and of course, dancers. We had a couple of vampires that danced to Michael Jackson's Beat It, Frankenstein and his (pregnant) Bride dancing to I've Had the Time of My Life, and me and my prom zombie partner dancing to Footloose. After about 20 seconds of our dancing though, the entire group joined in and we did the classic Footloose end-of-movie dance. Needless to say, we won again. Two-time reigning champs! We're already trying to figure out what we're going to do next year.

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