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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

JD's 1st Deer Hunt

Finally. . . . . it's the day Bud has been anxiously awaiting for the last 5+ years. When we found out we had a baby boy on January 30, 2006, Bud immediately couldn't wait for the first time to take him deer hunting. While 5 years old might still be a little young, he decided to give it a shot (no pun intended). So last weekend, on Sunday, November 20th, Bud took JD out for his first deer hunting experience. They went to the Keller's Ranch in DeHanis where Bud has been going with Kory Keller.

Before he left the house, I gave him the camera and looked at him with the sweetest, puppy dog eyes I could muster, and asked him if he'd take a couple of pictures. I didn't want to interrupt their hunting experience, but I really wanted some pictures of JD's first time. Bud obliged, and I think he's glad he did too.

Here's a picture of JD's first climb into a deer blind.

Here's a picture of him getting ready for a couple hours of sitting still, being very quiet, and watching for deer.

And here's a very proud Daddy moment.

Watching out the window . . . . patiently and quietly.  He already looks like a pro.
 Bud said JD did very good - he was as quiet as he could expect an energetic 5-year-old to be. And he only fell asleep for a little while, and when he woke up, there were deer at the feeder. They didn't shoot at anything on their first hunt, but JD said he definitely enjoyed going. I think he really liked being out there with Dad, and he's looking forward to their next trip this season. Hopefully they'll get to shoot something that time. There's a whole other part to the deer-hunting experience that he's yet to learn.

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