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Thursday, November 10, 2011

John 3:16

The other day after Bud picked up the boys (Ryan from Nanie's, and JD from school), they were on their way home and JD asked Bud what John 3:16 was. He'd learned it in Awana and even though he knows it and recites it all the time, it must have slipped his memory for the moment.

Bud said he couldn't remember the verse, so JD reached into his school bag and pulled out his little green pocket Bible. He flipped through the pages, looking for "John" at the top of the page. When he found it, he searched for Chapter 3, Verse 16, found it and read it to Bud. 

What a proud parent moment! Sometimes we wonder if we're doing the right things as parents. We are constantly questioning and doubting our tactics. Then we have a moment like this, when God shines right through the eyes of our children. All we can do is smile, nod and enjoy the feeling of pure joy in our hearts!

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