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Saturday, November 12, 2011

A Day of "Firsts"

Today was a day of firsts for me:
  • First time I volunteered for the Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO) at JD's school
  • First time I rode in Bud's hunting truck (the white one he bought a couple months ago)
  • First time I went deer hunting
  • First time I sat in a deer blind
  • First time I put crosshairs on an animal  :(
I didn't shoot though.

We only saw a doe and a spike, and they walked up right before dusk. Bud was hoping something bigger would walk up, so we waited. Then it got too dark. Bud wants me to go one more time and try again. I think I was a good hunting partner. I stayed quiet (it wasn't easy) and patient (also, not easy). But all in all, I think I did pretty good. Especially considering I didn't think I'd ever go hunting.

Ever since Bud and I started dating 16+ years ago, he's been asking me if I'd ever go deer hunting. My answer was always "no way." This year, when he asked, I said I would consider going. I just saw the pure joy he had for deer hunting, and it's been a long time since he's had an opportunity to hunt, and I guess I got caught up in his excitement. So I told him I'd go. I'm glad I did because I enjoyed hanging out with him doing something for which he has an obvious passion.

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