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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Kindergarten Valentine's Day Party

Yesterday Bud and I had the chance to go to JD's school and participate in his Valentine's Day party with his class. We had so much fun. They started by passing out their Valentine's cards to everyone in the class. Then Ms. Wilson broke them up into groups of 3 and they rotated among the various stations she had set up: Bingo, Valentine's Day card-making, cookie decorating, building blocks, and the class favorite - musical chairs.

I helped with the cookie decorating.

Bud helped with the musical chairs - which is why it was the class favorite. They were having a good ol' time over there. Most of the kids didn't want to leave that station once they were there. JD included. He didn't do any of the other stations - not even mom's cookie decorating. :-(

Bud had the kids laughing and really enjoying themselves. They were pretty good sports about it too whenever they didn't get a chair and had to sit out for the rest of that game.

I'm not sure who was having more fun -- Bud or the kids.

And here's JD with his best buddy in the class - Josiah. (Nice red kool-aid mustache JD!)

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