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Friday, March 28, 2014



Why is it so hard to do?

In today's society, we've gotten used to instant gratification. Fast food and microwaves mean that we can eat right when we're hungry and no longer need to wait more than a couple of minutes for our food to be ready (even those couple of minutes seem too long to us now). Cell phones means we can call anyone anytime - no need to wait to get home, or wait your turn to use the phone that's connected to the wall of your home, or the cubby of a phone booth. iTunes means we don't have to wait for our favorite song to be played on the radio - we just download it right when we want to hear it. Netflix and OnDemand means we can watch what we want…when we want. ATM machines mean that we don't have to wait for a bank to be open to get our money - we can get access to it 24 hours a day. Shoot - spontaneous couples can even get married in a drive-thru chapel now-a-days.

So waiting isn't a part of our culture anymore.

That's why it's so hard to wait when something comes along that demands that we wait. When that something is out of our control. When there's no drive-thru or 24/7 call center available to get immediate answers.

Like a job interview. We can go in, do our part, say all the right things, and leave with a good feeling. But then when we don't hear anything back within the first 15 minutes, failure and doubt start to enter our minds. "Why haven't they called me yet? Did I say something wrong? Did they not like me? I thought it went well…."  Some things take time. We have to remember that.

What's a bit ironic is that "back in the day," before microwaves and cell phones and ATM machines, when people were accustomed to waiting, the result of a job interview was probably the one thing they didn't have to wait for. These were the times before online applications and "please submit your resume on our website and we'll review it and get it over to the right party for consideration" response when you call to see if a particular company is hiring. This was when you could walk in the front door and tell the manager that you're looking for a job and wanted to know if they were hiring. If the first impression was a good one,  you'd get an interview on the spot, and if things went well, you were likely offered a position before you left for the day.

So the one thing you DIDN'T have to wait long for "back then," can take quite a bit of time "today." There are so many legal and political issues involved in the hiring process now, so hearing back within a week of the interview is considered unusual.

Which is when the waiting comes in.

Patience is a trait with which many of us struggle. I know I do. So we have to go to the Lord and ask that He would help us with this certain fruit of the Spirit. For me, patience requires a lot of attention to my thoughts, focus on my outward attitude, and a ton of prayer.

So that's what we're doing…praying…and praying…and praying.

And waiting…

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