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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

3 Days Until Our Vacation

We are very excited about our upcoming mini vacation. We're going to South Padre Island. What do you think about when you hear South Padre Island?

The beach? Sandcastles? Seagulls?

Not my kids. When they hear those three words, they think SCHLITTERBAHN.

That's what they care about. To JD & Ryan, if we're going on vacation, it needs to include a water park, and preferably, Schlitterbahn.

So we leave in three days to head South for a long, much-needed, four-day weekend at the Schlitterbahn Resort, with weekend passes to the beloved water park.

We are excited! So excited that Ryan made this vacation count down calendar. Every morning, he pastes up another number to show how many days remain. We started with 24 days (on the other side) and now we're down to only three.

It's hanging right there in the center of our refrigerator door for everyone to see.

But let's be honest - after the last couple months we've had, and certainly the last couple of weeks, I think I'm more excited than the kids are to see that number get smaller each morning.

3 - 2 - 1
South Padre…..here we come!

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