
Never a dull moment at the Blair household! Check back often or sign up to get email notices so you can stay up on what's happening in this crazy little life!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Through the Eyes of Their Mama

I've had my dream job as a full-time stay-at-home mom/housewife for almost 6 months now. When I quit my high-income, high-stress job to stay home and focus on family, I thought I'd have so much time on my hands. I thought I'd fill my days with some housework and working out, but mostly playing with the kids, volunteering my time, scrapbooking, and doing a much better job of keeping up with this blog.

Wrong. I've been terrible at it.

I've done lots of housework and some of the other stuff, but this blog….well, it's been almost non-existent these last 6 months.

So much has happened since my last post -- JD and Ryan's soccer season (Ryan's 1st season, no less), Thanksgiving, Christmas, JD's 8th birthday, JD's 2nd season of basketball, the boys' baseball tryouts….not to mention their school Christmas pageant, school awards ceremonies, Awana club activities, deer hunting and hog hunting adventures.

There's also been a lot of shuttling to and from school and athletics, church, housecleaning, loads of laundry, grocery shopping trips (trying my hand at couponing), child disciplining, Bible Studies and quiet time, and a LITTLE BIT of scrapbooking. So amidst all that, I haven't found the time to update my blog.

For those who have said to me (or other stay-at-home moms) "Now that you have nothing to do since you're not working…." I'm here to tell you, as a new SAHM, there's ALWAYS something to do. And the work is NEVER done. It's great though, and I'm certainly not complaining. I LOVE my job - I LOVE every bit of the cleaning, cooking, shopping, shuttling, laundering, and my mornings spent studying my Bible and attending Bible studies. I LOVE it, even if I get very little time for the scrapbooking and blogging. The important thing is that my time is spent focused on God and my family - the two most important things in life.

BUT - it's my mission to do a better job of keeping up with this. Because one day, I want JD & Ryan to be able to read this blog and get a little insight into their lives as kids, through the eyes of their Mama.

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