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Friday, March 21, 2014

Acts 1:8

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; And you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." (Acts 1:8)

That verse gives us instruction for one of the most important roles as a Christian - to witness about Jesus Christ. But it can be so hard. What if it's the wrong time? What if they reject me? What if they laugh at me? What if….? What if….? What if….?

JD doesn't worry about the "What Ifs…." He just does it. He takes his Bible to school and reads verses to his friends at lunch. He reads his Bible during reading time in class. For his 8th birthday, he asked for a bible carrying case, tab dividers for the books of the Bible, and a set of highlighters (he saw mine and liked it so that's what he asked for). Now he uses the highlighters to highlight the verses that he's memorized, and the stories that he's read. I'm sure at some point, the entire Bible will be highlighted.

The last Sunday during church service, he not-so-quietly whispered to me "Do you know what's bad? That there are more kids in my class at school that don't know Jesus than kids that do." I know he's been talking to his friends about Jesus, so I responded with "but you're changing that, aren't you?" "Yes," he said "but I need Bibles."

So I ordered some kids Bibles for him to give to his friends.

Tonight we'll pray over them and ask for guidance - who should he share them with?

I'm so proud of JD and his missionary heart. Acts 1:8 is so difficult for most of us to follow through with, but if we all had the faith of a child and weren't afraid of the "What ifs…," I wonder how many people out there we could bring to Christ?

Go JD Go!!! Show the rest of us how simple it is!

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