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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Ryan's 3-year Check Up

I know, I know. I'm slacking. Ryan turned 3 back on June 26th and we're just now getting him to the doctor. Busy little life gets in the way sometimes.

Bud had 1/2 a day off on Friday, so he took Ryan to his check up. He said that Ryan was a perfect little guy at the doctor. He had to take his clothes off and put on one of those lovely paper gowns. Bud got him into the gown and told him to sit still and wait for the doctor....and he did! He said he just sat there patiently and waited, then when the doc came in, he did everything she told him without any fighting or tears.

Ryan is a growing boy. He's 33 lb 6 oz (75th percentile) and 39 inches tall (also 75th percentile). It kinda concerns me a little bit because he used to be in the 95th percentile for height and now he's 75th. Not a huge difference, but I just hope he continues to grow nice and big. I really really don't want my little guys to end up short like me. :)

The 3-year-check-up form says that by now he should be:
jumping (check)
riding a tricycle (check)
drawing a circle, cross and square (circle and cross - check)
go up and down stairs without help (check)
hop and stand on one foot (check)
walk forward and backward (check)

By 4 years old, he should be:
singing a song (check)
drawing a person
distinguishing fantasy from reality (I think so - he likes to pretend)
saying first and last name (check)
building a 10-block tower (check)

I would say he's a successful 3 year old, and almost doing all the 4 year old things too. The form was missing a few things though -- he can also drive a battery-operated John Deere tractor better than most 4 year olds, sing his ABCs, count to 14, other than nighttime he's completely potty trained (and even tries to wipe his own bottom), and when he wins a contest he'll throw his hands up in the air and yell "the winner is Ryan Connor Blair!"

Ryan also loves to say his prayers before each meal and at night. He usually starts off saying "Thank you for me, thank you for JD, thank you for Dad, thank you for Mom," then he starts looking around the room and thanking God for whatever he sees - the table, the swingset, his glass of water, his fork. You get the picture.

Ryan is such a treat. He's loud and wild, a complete monster most of the time. He's very independent and wants to do everything himself, and absolutely loves his brother more than anything. It's been a great 3 years, and I'm looking forward to seeing how much he changes during his 4th year of life. I love you Ryno!

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