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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Request Withdrawn

Just wanted to give everyone a quick update on my post from last week regarding a flexible work arrangement. Like I mentioned, I got the initial "go-ahead" and had to put together a formal business case/proposal. So I did....and I did it honestly. I proposed my new work schedule which was to work 2 hours from home in the afternoon because I wanted to be available to my 5-year-old when he got out of school for the day. I did my write up and turned it in to my manager.

Later that day, she pulled me into a conference room and said "While I understand your request, this isn't going to fly with HR." So we discussed what would "fly" and without saying so, I came to the understanding that I couldn't be honest. I would need to come up with something else. I quickly racked my brain...what I could I say that would sound good? Then it hit me. I've been praying to God that His will would be met. Whether it meant that I got to do this or not, I wanted Him to be served. Would lying be His will? It's one of the 10 Commandments, so surely it would not be His will, right?

So I went home that night and thought about it and prayed about it some more. The next day, I withdrew my request. I felt like lying wasn't the way to go. I'm a terrible liar. I would have to tell other lies to protect that one, and I'm not good at that. Plus, I realized that just because I'm physically home with JD, doesn't mean I'm "available." I know that I'd be under a microscope since this type of work schedule had never been done before - they'd want to make sure I was doing a good job, being productive and actually working instead of paying attention to my child.

So in the long run, I think it would be best if I work until 5:00 at the office, then come home and actually be "available" to my children. Plus, I think JD will have a great time in the After School Program. He's used to playing all day everyday, and when he starts school, he'll have a 30-minute recess and the rest is learning time. So I think he'll enjoy the time to play with his friends after school. Right? That's what I keep telling myself anyway.

While I still battle with this, I'm trusting God. He'll let me know what I need to do, if it's anything different.

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