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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

"New" Truck

Well, Bud has finally done it. He's been talking about getting rid of his nice 2005 Chevy truck and replacing it with an old hunting truck. Ever since he got the little Civic gas-saver to drive to/from work, his Chevy truck has been sittin' pretty in our driveway. It gets driven like 2 or 3 times a month for hog hunting and that's it. At about $400/month, it's a pretty pricey hunting truck.

So Bud finally made a move and found a 1997 F250 for only $1,800 which is a great deal for a diesel truck in its condition. . . and bought it. Beau had the day off, so he ran out to buy it for Bud (before someone else bought it out from underneath us) - of course, we'll pay him back next time we see him. Right now it has the flatbed on it, which Bud likes because it's rugged and totally guy-ish, but he's thinking about swapping it out for a truck bed. Whatever he wants to do. . . .it's his truck. Either way, I'm just glad he found something affordable that he likes. He's been looking for several months now.

On a somewhat selfish note. . . .I'm excited! That means we can sell his red truck and start saving that $400/month. Maybe I can get a new car next year sometime!! It's been over 7 years since I got something "new" (if you don't count my '05 Yukon that I got to replace the '04 Tahoe that was totaled in my accident a couple years ago). But while I'm ready to get something new, I'm not in a big hurry. My Yukon is a great car, and I haven't had a payment on my vehicle for more than 4 years. It will be hard to go back to payments. I also want to wait until the kids can ride in a vehicle.....without feeling the need to trash it!!!

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