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Monday, August 29, 2011

Books Are Fun!

We had some excitement in the Blair household Saturday evening! About two months ago, we ordered some really nice academic books for the boys from a very nice traveling salesman, Daniel. Finally....around 8:30 Saturday night, Daniel stopped by to deliver our books. All $300 worth! I know it's expensive, but they're really cool books.

I know...I'm a nerd, but I love books!
The set includes books on science topics such as insects, dinosaurs, the human body, and the universe. There are also two kid-friendly dictionaries, and books about colors and shapes. The books sat on our table that night, and the next morning, when they were still there, JD said "Are these our books?" When I told him that they were, he said "YES!!" Then him and Ryan sat there for about 1/2 an hour looking through them.

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