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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Say "Ahhhhh"

After we dropped JD off at school for his first day of 1st Grade on Monday, Ryan and I headed to the Ear Nose & Throat (ENT) doctor. His tonsils have always been really big and Dr. Parsi finally referred us to the ENT at Ryan's 4 year check up last month.  Dr. Moe took one look in Ryan's mouth, listened to my description of Ryan's sleeping behaviors, and didn't hesitate to recommend that we have his little yucky tonsils and adnoids removed. :(

Ryan is a restless sleeper (always has been) and snores like a grown man. He thrashes around all night and our best assumption is that he never really is able to fall into a deep sleep. Because his tonsils are so big all time, they are obstructing his airway, so the reason he moves around all night is because his body is trying to find a position that allows him to breathe more easily.

So by removing his tonsils, he will be able to breathe more freely, and should get better sleep. As a result, will probably feel better during the day, get sick less often, and it may even improve his ability to focus.

Surgery is scheduled for 9am on 10/19 - Granny O'Connor's birthday. I just know she'll be watching down from Heaven and keeping a close watch over him as he goes through the surgery and moves through the recovery process. Please keep our little guy in your prayers that week and the weeks to follow.

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