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Monday, August 27, 2012

1st Day of 1st Grade

Today was JD's first day of 1st Grade! He's in Mrs. Tarr's class, whom he knew of because his friend Kaden Keller had Mrs. Tarr last year. Friday was "Meet the Teacher" day but we didn't go to that. Instead, the boys enjoyed their last day of Summer Vacation by spending the day with Nanie, Bada, Uncle Beau, Brooks and Case. They rode the trains at Brackenridge Park then went swimming at Gary & Barbara's. I was nervous that missing the "Meet the Teacher" might make JD a little nervous about his first day, but I was totally wrong. He did fantastic. Like an old pro! Not nervous at all. He was so excited this morning about going back to school. He walked right into his classroom, found his desk, sat down and was ready for the day. Dad and I had a harder time leaving and lingered as long as we could.

Next year, it's Ryan's turn. He'll be starting Kindergarten!!!

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