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Sunday, September 2, 2012

Paris...At Last

After many months of anticipation, we finally made it to Paris today. It's been a very long day though. It started when I woke up at 7 am Saturday morning. Being the procrastinator that I am, I hadn't even packed yet. I was doing ok on time when I realized I couldn't find my cell phone. And the battery was dead so I couldn't even call to locate it. After frantically searching for almost an hour (and Bud digging through the old trash) I finally found it...on my bed. Then it was rush time to finish getting ready and packed.

We headed out the door at 11:30am and got to the airport by 12:30. After about 12 hours in the air (first to Salt Lake City then to Paris) we finally made it. Christy Davis, Kelli's friend since Kindergarten, met us at the airport and drove us through about 2 hours of traffic (bad accident) and let us stay with her in her little French flat. It's such a quaint and cozy little place, perfect for just her and her hubby.

We made a couple calls back home before heading out to the famous Louvre Museum where we got to see the original Mona Lisa painting, which is protected behind bullet-proof glass. It was perfect timing too because entrance to the museum was free today! Then we went to see the Eiffel Tower and ate at a cute little French Bistro before heading back in for the night. Now it's midnight and I've been up about 34 hours straight. I guess I'll turn in for the night.

(Pictures to come!)

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