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Friday, September 21, 2012

Home Sweet Home

I got home around midnight on Monday Sept 10th (Tuesday morning) and when I walked in the door, this is what I saw, taped to the door so I'd see it first thing:

I guess you could say the boys missed me. Since I was getting home too late and they'd already be in bed asleep, JD and Ryan each wrote letters to me and hung them on the door so it would be the first thing I saw when I got home. It was THE BEST welcome home gift ever! Below JD's note, you can see the individual pictures he drew -- one of them is us kissing, one is us hugging, one is him giving me a present, etc. Then he has little notes below them that say "I am so excited. Man, you are nice" and "I love you. Man, what a sweet mom" and "You are so sweet. Can't wait to see you." 

Ryan's note is the little round piece below JD's note. He's totally into using scissors, so his note probably started out bigger then got wittled down.

I love those letters and will cherish them forever!

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