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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I See London, I Saw France

We made it to London! After going to sleep around 2am last night (this morning), Kelli and I slept until about 9:15 then woke up, had some coffee, and headed out (with heavy luggage in tow) for the train station. We took the Metro (Paris subway) to the Eurostar Train Station and FINALLY got to enjoy a crepe, straight off a street vendor. Kelli and Christy each had a butter and sugar crepe, and I, of course, had a chocolate Nutella crepe. Oh my gosh!!! So worth the wait. I can't wait to go home and make crepes for breakfast. That's what we're going to have our first morning when I get home.

After enjoying our yummy crepe, Kelli and I boarded the train and headed for London. To get us in the London mood, we watched one of my very favorite movies of all time "Notting Hill." It helped us get into the spirit and now we are really excited about trying to find Notting Hill and walk through the neighborhood - maybe we can find the house with the blue door!

When we arrived in London, we were met by one of our hosts and led back to the hotel. We have a Hospitality Room available to us 24/7 (it has drinks and snacks and free wi-fi). At 5:00, we met for dinner and also got all of our Olympic goodies: two London Olympics t-shirts and a polo shirt, drawstring bag and trading pins.

Then we headed off to get our Olympic credentials, but they were closed when we got there so we've got to go back tomorrow. On our way back, we stopped and took pictures with some London police officers. I love their hats!! They look so cool, and so old-fashioned. We also spent some time admiring the St. Paul's Cathedral, which is where Princess Di and Prince Charles were married.

Everyone decided to split up at this point - some people headed to the pubs, some walked through parks/gardens, but Kelli and I went to Picadilly Circus (circus = roundabout circle drive). I had to buy a new straightening iron because mine completely blew up when I plugged it in to the adapter/converter in our hotel room. Yep, I plugged it in and it started smoking. Don't ask me why I did what I did next --- I tried straightening a piece of my hair and it totally scorched the ends. UGH!!! Then, as if that wasn't bad enough, the ceramic plates completely melted off the iron. I couldn't believe it!!! Now that I've mentioned it to a few people, it's apparently a known thing: you can't use U.S. hair appliances here, even with an adapter/converter. Would have been nice to know about 6 hours ago!

Anyway, London is great so far. I can't wait to see what the week has in store for us. My only complaint......way too much smoking here. EVERYONE smokes. You can't go anywhere without filling your lungs full of cigarette smoke. It's disgusting. Have the Europeans not gotten the memo about lung cancer? Someone should fill them in. On that note.....good night everyone! Sweet London Dreams!

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