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Sunday, November 4, 2012

No Matter What, God is With You

I'm so proud of JD. . . .I have to brag a little bit. We're allowed to do that when it comes to our kids, right?
In Awana, the boys are learning their bible verses. JD's next scripture to learn was Psalm 23. Bit by bit, he was supposed to learn verses 1-6. When I read it to him the first time, his instant reaction was "No I'm not going to do that one. It's way too long."  After trying to convince him that he could do it, and him being adamant that he couldn't, I said "Ok fine. I'm going to learn it though -- and I'm gonna learn it first!"  That's all I needed to say and he was motivated.
Well, it took about 5 days of practicing in the mornings on the way to school and we both learned it. Tonight, at Awana, he said the entire thing to his class leader. . . and he did it flawlessly. Then his creative assignment during Bible time, while the other kids were saying their verses, was to draw a picture of what Psalm 23 means to him. This is what he came up with:

He said that it's a picture of a boy in a haunted house with spiders and scary people all around. Notice the little boy is not scared. Why isn't he scared? Because "no matter what, God is always with you." And that's God lying in heaven above everyone (the long brown stick figure in the sky).

I'm so proud of JD. I got compliments on him tonight from one of the moms that helps out in Awana. She said that he's such a sweet kid, so smart, and very impressive.  Music to my ears. I couldn't be more proud.

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