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Friday, November 30, 2012

A Lost Tooth

JD lost his 2nd tooth on the last day of school before Thanksgiving Break, November 16. And when I say lost, I literally mean lost. His tooth was extremely loose the day before, to the point that it was causing JD some discomfort. He had wiggled it so much that his gums were sore. So on Friday, after lunch, he was watching a movie in his classroom. He reached up to wiggle his tooth.....and it was GONE!!! He thinks it must've fallen out while he was eating his corn dog at lunch. He didn't know it fell out, so he's pretty sure he swallowed it.

His teacher is terrific. When she found out about his tooth, she gave him a little bitty tooth box (wish I had a picture of the box, but we can't find it now) and they put a small pebble in it. The pebble was meant to be a replacement for his tooth. And she said she would let the Tooth Fairy know that he lost his tooth so she wouldn't forget to visit him that night. When we got home, JD put the tooth and this letter under his pillow:

The Tooth Fairy got the message --- she came that night and left a 2-Dollar-Bill under JD's pillow. He was so excited the next morning that he ran right into my room and woke me up to tell me what he'd gotten, then quickly tucked it away in his wallet.

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