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Friday, November 16, 2012


One of my very favorite things about being a mom is getting to experience the evolution of language in my kiddos. I absolutely love the way they start pronouncing a new word they've just learned.

Lately, Ryan's new thing is to let us know when we have been rude and interrupted him. He says "you just unruded me." The funny thing is (besides the word choice) is that he's the one rudely interrupting us. 

Another cute word is one he just learned last week. At school, they had an "all about me" week where they learned about themselves. They talked about hair color, eye color. . . .and frickles. You know, those little brown spots on your skin. That's so cute. I can't correct him. So now, we have frickles and I've never loved them so much as I do now. 

Oh and the other day he was re-enacting a scene from the movie Night at the Museum involving the dinosaur skeleton. He couldn't think of what it was called so he called it the bone dinosaur. Such a literal description. 
love Ryan's own unique way of saying things so much that I secretly hope he never finds out he's saying it wrong so he'll continue to make me smile every time he says it. However, I know that can't happen. He can't work in a professional setting telling someone that they unruded him.

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