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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Depantsed at NASA

So I said I was going to write more about our recent Summer Vacation to Galveston. Here's a pretty funny story:

As I mentioned in an earlier post, it rained one day so we took the opportunity to drive up to the NASA Space Center. It had been many years since me or Bud had been (I think I went in the 2nd grade??), but we had good memories of it, so we knew the boys would have a blast - no pun intended. So when it started raining, we decided it would be the perfect day to go...and off we went.

When we got there and walked inside, you would have thought we'd walked into a candy store by the looks on JD and Ryan's faces. There was a huge indoor play yard, like a McDonald's play yard on steroids. It was awesome, I have to admit. It was like 5 levels with lots of tunnels and slides and a ball center we couldn't get the boys out of. It wasn't a ball pit (those are disgusting), but it was an area that had suction tubes that you can put the balls in. The balls would get sucked up the tubes and spit out at the other end. They loved it.

On the top floor were some NASA simulation centers the boys could play in. Needless to say, they were in love with that place....and that was only the first thing on the "NASA To Do List" out of about 10 total.

So, I mentioned there was a funny story....

While playing in the play center, JD said he had to go potty. So Bud took him over to put his shoes back on. JD was so in awe over the center that he couldn't take his eyes off of it. Bud kept telling him "JD, put your shoes on. JD, put your shoes on" but he couldn't break JD's focus. Next thing he knew, he looked down to get on JD about putting his shoes on, and JD had dropped his pants! He was so mesmerized by everything going on around him that he didn't realize where he at and pulled his pants down! Then he snapped out of it and realized what he'd done and quickly pulled them back up. Hilarious! I wish I had been standing there to see it.

Anyway, after the play center, we went around to the various stations. We rode in a shuttle simulator, watched a couple of shows that told more about the International Space Station, walked through a museum, etc. We all had a blast while we were there, then went back to the hotel and since it had stopped raining, we went swimming. JD was so excited because he had never be swimming in the dark!

Here are some pictures from our day at NASA.

JD and Ryan standing next to an astronaut suit in a mock shuttle.

Astronaut JD.
Astronaut Ryan. He did NOT want to try that helmet on.

The four of us in front of the shuttle inside the museum.

Bud always feels like he's having to hold the entire world up on his own. Now he has proof!

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