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Friday, August 12, 2011

Work/Life Balance....

....it's what Hartford says they believe in. So we're giving it a try. Since becoming a mom 5 1/2 years ago, I've battled with the guilt of being a working mom. Fortunately, we've been lucky enough to have Nanie (Jane) watch the boys, but it's still not the same. I wish it were me at home taking care of my boys, creating some consistency, enjoying the time together while they still like to hug and kiss on me, and before they grow up and start being embarassed of me and asking me to drop them off around the corner so they can walk the rest of the way. Haha!

But really over the last year, it's been weighing very heavily on my mind. Unfortunately, we're not in a position for me to quit my job, and honestly, I do enjoy working (most of the time). So with JD starting school in a week, Bud and I have been trying to figure out how to work everything out with dropping off and picking up each of the boys everyday. Racking our brains trying to find the right solution.

Then it came to me...try to adjust my schedule at work. So on Tuesday, I proposed to my boss a flexible work arrangement where I'd work 8-2:45 each day, then leave and go pick up JD at school, then go home and finish my work day from about 4-6pm. This would give me a chance to balance my most important personal priorities with my work priorities. It's exactly how I explained it to them too. No excuses. No lies. Just simply explained that I wanted to be available to my son after school, that it's important to me.

After 3 days, they finally gave me the initial approval to move forward. It hasn't been 100% approved yet, but I'm working on my proposal and business case. It would be so awesome if I got it approved. It would give me a chance to be more of the mom I'd like to be for my boys. I keep praying that if this is something God wants me to do, he'll give me the chance to do it.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Praying for you that it is approved and that it meets your family's needs!