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Friday, August 19, 2011

Move over Bobby Flay...

...there are some new chefs in town. They're names? JD and Timothy.

Back at Christmas time, Kelli and I bought the boys a Groupon gift certificate for a cooking class and we finally used them yesterday. I picked up the two boys and headed to the Young Chefs Academy in Stone Oak yesterday. In the 75-minute class, the boys learned about keeping germs away from your food, cleaning as you go, measuring ingredients, mixing, stirring and baking in a hot oven.

When they showed up, they had to put on their aprons and wash their hands, then place their hands on top of the table until they were ready to start cooking. They weren't supposed to touch their hair or face with their hands or they could spread germs. Even though they kept stressing that, they had a very hard time getting the kids to keep their hands off their faces (and out of their noses - haha!). So the hand santizer was kept nearby and used very often.

Timothy learns to add "a pinch" of cinnamon.

I really enjoyed watching them interact with the teachers. They listened well and paid attention, volunteered to do extra responsibilities, and took turns with the other kids.

The used recipes to make two snacks - Strawberry & Banana muffins and Oatmeal Raspberry cookies. They were both healthy snacks. When they got to eat them, Timothy saved me a cookie and JD saved me a muffin, and they were both so proud to come over and share with me. And let me just say...they were both really delicious. We got to take the recipes home, so I think we'll have to make them again.

Timothy gets his turn with the electric mixer.
JD mixes all the ingredients to make muffins.
Timothy scoops muffin dough into the mini muffin tin.
JD gets his turn putting the raspberry jelly on top of the cookies.
The boys enjoy the fruits of their labor...yummy!

I wish that this academy wasn't in Stone Oak which is sooo far away. I would love to have JD go to a few classes and learn a little more about cooking. I think it's so important for everyone to know the basics about cooking. That's ok - I can teach him. Him and Ryan love to sit up on the counter and help me cook.

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