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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Days 2 and 3 of Kindergarten

I thought each day was going to be easier? Day 2 went great until Bud picked up JD from YMCA After School Care (held in the school cafeteria). JD was sitting by himself playing with dinosaurs and he could tell he'd been crying. Apparently, JD cried the entire time he was there. When we talked to him about it, he said that he thought no one was coming to get him and that he was going to spend the night. Poor baby.

I accept total blame for that one. I told him that he'd be going to After School Care, but didn't do a good job of really preparing him for what that meant. I know better than that with JD. He needs a lot of explanation, he needs to really understand expectations. I just took it for granted that he knew what I meant. BAD MOMMY!!

Day 3 was rough too. The first 2 days, we dropped the kids off in their classroom, but starting today, we were supposed to drop them off at the playground. Didn't even cross my mind that Ryan was going to want to play too. So when we got there, JD gave Ryan a big 'ol hug and kiss, said goodbye, then off he ran to the playground. Ryan wanted to follow him and when I told him that he couldn't, the flood gates opened. I scooped him up, waved to a very-concerned JD, and off we went. He stopped crying pretty quickly, but then I started crying. It broke my heart. All he wanted to do was play with his big brother, just like he's been doing everyday for 3 years straight. The whole way to Jane's house, he looked so sad and kept saying "I want JD."

Ugh! When is this going to get easier on all of us?

As you know, JD was supposed to go to After School Care today. Well, I got a call at 4:00, an hour after school let out. The administrator said they still had "John" there for pick up. First of all, it's JD or John-Dylan, not John. Second of all, he is enrolled in After School Care. Poor little man. He was probably told I would be there to pick him up, so he sat and waited. And waited. And waited. For an hour. Then was told I wasn't coming after all and he needed to go to the Y-Care program. This time it wasn't my fault, but somehow I'm the bad guy again. I feel absolutely TERRIBLE for him.

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