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Friday, August 19, 2011

The Beginning of a New Era

Today was bittersweet. We went to Medina Valley Orientation to meet JD's new teacher, Mrs. Wilson, and spend some time in the classroom. We learned a little bit about what his days will be like starting on Monday, we got to see the other kids in his class and sit at their tables, bought a meal card so he can buy his lunch some days, signed up for the PTO (Parent Teacher Organization - used to be PTA back in the "old days"), and bought some school t-shirts.

That was exciting. The realization that today was his last day at Nanie's was the sad part. She's watched him every day since he was 8 weeks old! I can't believe it's already been 5 1/2 years since I started taking him over there in the mornings. It seems to have gone by way too fast.

When Nanie kissed him goodbye this afternoon, she told him she'd call him Monday evening to see how his first day of Kindergarten went. She couldn't even finish her sentence and then she had to walk away. She couldn't fight the tears any longer. I'm really excited about JD starting school, but I'm also sad for Nanie. JD has been a part of her life everyday, and she a part of JD's, it's going to be a difficult change and I know they're going to miss each other.

I guess JD is starting to realize what's happening beginning in just 2 short days also, because as soon as we drove away today, he said "Can I spend the night at Nanie's house next Saturday?"

Ok, enough sadness. Let's focus on the positives. JD is going to have so much fun in school. He loves to learn new things and meet other kids, so I think school is going to be a great experience for him. Plus, Nanie will have the chance to be more of a grandma to JD, rather than a disciplinarian, which is probably not that much fun for a grandma. I know they're really close now and will continue to be, even if they don't get to see each other everyday.

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