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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

JD's 6-year Check Up

JD had his 6-year check up with Dr. Parsi today. He had to take his clothes off and put on a gown and he's getting to the age where this embarrasses him, so he didn't want his picture taken. I tried, but he kept covering his face. So, the best I could do was take a picture of his check-up form.

He put on about 4 pounds and grew 2 1/2 inches in the last year, putting him in the 45th percentile for weight and 50% percentile for height. He's on the slender side - she said he's absolutely perfect, exactly where she likes to see kids his age. With his current height and growth chart, he's expected to stop growing around 5'10" or so. Not quite as tall as Bud, but thankfully, not as short as me.

I asked the doctor about his 6-year-old behaviors: talking back, not listening, being defiant. I totally expected her to say that it's normal (or that I needed to do a better job of parenting), but to my surprise, she said it's a sign of confidence and leadership abilities. He feels strong and confident enough to speak out. Hmmm. . . . I guess I'd never thought of it that way. She said to use positive reinforcement - praising him when he's doing something right and being specific about what it is he's doing right. She said to correct the bad behavior but not to focus on it - focus more on the positive when he's done something good.

He did really well at his appointment. He did what the doctor told him to do, answered her questions, etc. And as a reward, he got two lollipops and a sticker. Don't we wish it was that easy for us as adults? That we'd do anything for a lollipop and a sticker!!

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