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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Zerg's 1st Night at the Blairs

Just as he promised, Zerg brought back some snow-covered donuts from the North Pole for the boys. When they woke up this morning, they immediately walked out and started to look for Zerg. Ryan found him first and immediately wanted to grab him, but we quickly reminded him that Zerg could lose his magical powers if he was touched.

So Ryan left him alone and went over to enjoy his snow-covered donuts. (He put them around his eyes like they were binoculars, which explains the white eyebrows!)

JD wasn't all that crazy about the elf's "hiding place" because he followed me in the kitchen and this was our conversation:
JD: "So that's the best he could do?" 
Me: "What?"
JD: "That was the best hiding place he could find?"
Me: "Well, he still needs to be able to watch you guys, so he can't be totally hidden."
JD: "I think he must have lost some of his magical powers when we touched him last night."

That kid is way too smart for his own good. . . . .and I guess Zerg needs to think a little bit harder about where he "hides" tonight. Haha!

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