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Monday, November 7, 2011

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Bud turned 35 today. The Big 3-5!
Today, he's one year closer to his 40s.  :)
I wanted to make his birthday a special day, so I left work a little early around 3:45, stopped at the store, and rushed home to make him his favorite dinner - the same dinner I made for the first time on his 32nd birthday. He LOVED that dinner.

I made him Steaks with Peppercorn Cream Sauce. It's delicious. It's made with whiskey (reduced down), heavy whipping cream, minced garlic, crushed peppercorns and other spices. The steaks are cooked on the stove, then topped with the yummy peppercorn sauce. I also made his favorite sides: rice and corn. I know, lots of starch, but it's what he likes.

For dessert, we had fresh-made and still-warm chocolate cake with cream cheese icing. The boys helped blow out the candles. Gosh, that cake was so good. So much for the diet.

Happy Birthday Daddy! We Love You!

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