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Friday, November 11, 2011

JD's 1st Bus Ride to School

Today is a big day for JD. He got to ride the school bus for the first time ever. 

Ever since he started Kindergarten in August, I've been taking him to school each morning and dropping him off. Then I take Ryan to Nanie's. Every once in a while, JD will ask me when he will get to ride the bus. I wasn't sure if he was gonna have the chance or not.

Well yesterday, we were leaving the neighborhood and saw the school bus stopping near the mailboxes to pick up some kids. I stopped and told the school bus driver that my son wanted to ride the bus every now and then, and asked if I needed to let anyone know. She said to call the school and check. So I did. They said as long as a bus comes to his neighborhood, he could ride anytime he wanted. So we had ourselves a plan.

I'm off work today and Monday (Nanie and Bada) are taking a weekend trip to the coast, so I told JD he could ride the bus both days. He wasn't nervous about it at all (Bud and I were), but he did want to know if the kids in his class would be on the bus. I explained that bus is for kids that live in the area, not necessarily the kids in his class. But I reassured him that it would be fine - he would make new friends because he makes friends easily. He agreed and said "you know why I make friends easily? Because I'm super nice." That's right - JD is super nice and has such a sweet heart!

So today was the day. He drove down to the bus stop and got there just in time to see the bus pull up. JD jumped out of the car with the biggest smile on his face. We walked across the street and he climbed on the bus. I only got one picture though :( because my memory card was full on my camera. And it's not a great picture either. Bad Mom!!

As the bus drove away, we waved to JD and I got a little teary-eyed. 
School Bus = Official Big Boy

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