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Monday, November 28, 2011

Elf on a Shelf

We are starting another new tradition this year. Elf on the Shelf.  http://www.elfontheshelf.com/
I heard about this from my friend Erica Cerwin - she has done this with her girls for the last several years, and when she told me about it last year, I knew I wanted to start it this year now that the boys are old enough.

So I "wrote to Santa" and asked him to send us an elf. We got the Elf on the Shelf kit today which includes a book and an elf. While the boys were taking a bath, I told them that I heard a jingling noise in the front and when I opened the door, there was something out there for them. They got all excited, and JD got a little nervous - he doesn't like it when he doesn't know what to expect. I assured him it was good and nothing to be scared of, but he was still a little hesistant, so he very carefully opened the door. That's when he saw the wrapped present with a note on top, and his eyes lit up.

They brought the present inside, sat down and tore into the box. They thought the elf was so cute and wanted to play with him. I explained that they're really not allowed to touch the elf or he could lose his Christmas magic. We read the book together and we learned that the elf visits Santa at the North Pole each night and gives him a report on JD & Ryan - if they've been naughty or nice that day.

The note from the elf said that they have to listen to mom and dad, share with others, play nice and say their prayers each night. And each night the elf will also come out to play and when they wake up in the morning, they have to find him. But they can't touch him!!!
Part of our assignment tonight was to name our elf. When I asked the boys, Ryan said we should name him "Jesus." I don't want to confuse the real Jesus with an elf so I encouraged them to come up with another name, and JD came up with "Zerg." And so it is, our own special elf named "Zerg." I love it!

Afterward, JD said that he was so happy that Santa sent such a nice gift and he wanted to do something nice for Santa too. So he asked me to draw a picture of Santa and Mrs. Claus so he could color them and write their names. So we left a note for Zerg, asking him to deliver the pictures to Santa and Mrs. Claus when he sees them tonight.

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