
Never a dull moment at the Blair household! Check back often or sign up to get email notices so you can stay up on what's happening in this crazy little life!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I'm baaaaaaack!

Gosh, I didn't realize it's been almost 18 months since my last entry. Life just got really busy and other things took priority, but lately, my blog has been back on my mind. So much has happened since my last entry in February 2010, and I'm a little sad that I haven't blogged any of it. It's such a great way to record what's happening in our family, and so much fun to go back and read through old entries. So.....I'm returning. Hopefully I can find some time to make 3 or 4 new entries per week. Lord knows there's enough going on our lives. We'll see how it goes.

For now, here's an up-to-date photo of mi familia from our recent vacation in Galveston! More to come on that later...

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