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Sunday, July 31, 2011

I'm in the Band

So much has changed in our lives since I stopped posting back in early 2010. One of those things is our love for God. Of course, we've always been a Christian family, but God was not a part of our everyday lives. We'd call on Him when we needed him, but didn't realize we needed him everyday. We didn't realize how important it was for God to be involved in everything we do, every single day....until we started attending First Baptist of Castroville.

We tried out FBC in April 2010 and went occasionally, but wouldn't get involved. We just went to the church service and went home. It wasn't until that August, right before we joined as a family, that we truly fell in love. (I could write a short novel on the events that have taken place in our lives since our joining, but I'll keep this post short.)

Long story short....Bud and I both go to a weekly Mens & Women's Bible Study, the boys are involved in AWANA (All Workers Are Not Ashamed), we go to Sunday School, and most recently, Bud plays the drums in the Church Worship Band. And he absolutely loves it.

They started the Worship Band in May 2011 when we went from one service to two. The first service has traditional hymns and the second service has more contemporary music. Here's a picture of Bud with his group at their first church performance. Oh, and PS....they are awesome!!!
The other guys in the band (and pictured here) are John, Tyler and Ryan. Rene Maciel leads the worship group, and the 3 singers are Cheryl, Jackie and Carmen. I know it's not a great picture but it's all I have for now.

1 comment:

kelli-scrappin-mom said...

Love the new blog layout! Looks great and I'm glad Bud is in a band again doing what he loves!