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Thursday, September 29, 2011

"I Need My Sleep"

Ryan has been in a bad habit of waking me up every single night, anytime between 11pm and 5am. I will hear his little feet padding through the kitchen and into my room, then he'll climb up into my bed. I'm a light sleeper, so all this wakes me up. When he climbs up, I'll move over for him and tell him "1 minute, ok?" He's fine with that. He only wants to lay there for a minute, then we'll get up, he'll get a small drink of water, then go back to bed. 99% of the time, he doesn't get up again until morning.

While it's sweet to have him lay with me for a minute, it's also exhausting. I really want to sleep all the way through the night. So last night as I was putting Ryan to bed, I told him that I really wanted to sleep and asked him not to wake me up. He insisted "just one minute." I told him no and argued back that I really want to sleep all night. I don't want to be woken up; I'm really really tired and need to sleep. Again, he insisted that he wanted to wake me up so he could lay with me for one minute. I'm sorry, but even though that's sweet, I'm desperate for a full night sleep. So I told him one more time "Ryan, please do not wake me up. Mommy's tired and I really need my sleep. We can hang out in the morning." Finally, he gave in to my pleading - he threw his head back, rolled his eyes, and said "Ah-wight! I won't!"

It was so cute. He loves me so much that he's willing to give up something he loves so much. I think that's so sweet. :) And to top it all off - he didn't wake me up. He let me sleep all night long. And he knew it too because first thing this morning, he ran into the kitchen, looked up at me with those big blue eyes, and with great excitement, he said "Mommy, me not wake you up!"

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