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Friday, September 30, 2011

10 Days of Dry Diapers

It's been 6 days so far and we're very proud of him.
Ryan really wants to wear underwear to bed. He doesn't like having to put on pull-ups at night-time, but I wasn't sure if he was ready yet. He's been potty-trained during the day since about March of this year, but as moms know, just because they can do it during the day, it doesn't mean they're ready to wear underwear at night too.

But the last couple of weeks, he's been asking to wear his underwear. So we made this chart - I told him if he can go 10 straight nights and wake up with a dry Pull-Up, then he can wear his undies to bed. He's so excited. Every morning, he wakes up and lets us know his diaper is dry, and he gets to put a sticker on his chart. So far, he has completed 6 days straight and we are all very proud of him. Only 4 more days and hopefully he'll be wearing big boy pants to sleep in!

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