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Monday, October 10, 2011

Love At First BITE!

I talked Bud into trying Brazillian cuisine. . . . and he loved it!

When I was in CA back in June of this year, I ate at a Brazillian steak house. It was non-stop meat, served right at your table. You could pick and choose what you wanted, how much you wanted, and even when you wanted them to stop and start serving you. I mean, it was designed with someone like Bud in mind. I just knew that Bud would like it.

So when Groupon had a coupon for a $50 gift certificate for half-price at Texas de Brazil, I snatched it up. I had a hard time convincing Bud to go though - he was afraid it was going to be all "weird and Brazillian" or something, but after explaining that we weren't MOVING there, it was only one meal, he agreed.

My dad watched the kids while we went to eat. I didn't realize we needed reservations, until we got there. We waited for an hour-and-a-half to get a table!!! If we'd had the kids, we would have bolted, but since we were alone, we waited. . . . and waited . . . and waited. We finally got our table about 8:30 and the feast began. Bud was still a little unsure about the place, but after the waiter explained what we were supposed to do, and he flipped the card over from red to green, IT WAS ON!!!

It was like the meat servers (in their pirate pants) were flying in flocks. They swarmed our table like bees on honey, piling the meat on our plates. Filet Mignon, bacon wrapped pork, garlic-flavored steak, little sausages, pork, chicken, etc etc. Gosh, I can't even remember the names of all the meats they offered us. Bud ate so much food he couldn't even keep track, but he was proud of himself - happily rubbing his tummy after the waiter removed his plate.

And of course, as if that wasn't enough, we topped it all off with cheesecake and coffee!!! Because what's a meal without dessert?

Needless to say, it was love at first bite! We're definitely going back - maybe even for his 35th birthday next month. :-)

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