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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

In CA and Missing Out in TX

I am spending this week in Northern California making agency visits - my usual quarterly visit to the territory for which I'm responsible in my underwriting position. Traveling is fine once I'm here, but it's such an inconvenience in life's daily routine. My days here are very long, waking up early to check email, walking around (in heels) visiting agents all day, then staying up late checking more emails and logging sales calls. While I don't have to do any cooking or cleaning, I spend a lot of hours working. All of this is fine, but the biggest interruption is missing Bud and the boys. And today. . . . after more than 2 weeks in school . . . today is the day JD brought home homework for the first time. I wish I was home to take a picture and document his first time doing homework, but I can't because I'm 1,600 miles away.

I also missed Ryan's first day of Mother's Day Out in his 3-year-old class yesterday. It makes me so sad that I didn't get to walk him to class on the first day, take his picture in his new classroom, and meet his teacher. According to Nanie (she dropped him off), he had a great day - went into his room without crying or anything. He was such a big boy, and I wasn't there to experience it.

I really miss my little guys this week. The bright side? In 48 hours, I'll be on a plane heading back home.

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