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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Papa's New Hobby -- Trains!

My dad ("Papa" as he's known to the grandkids) has gotten himself a new hobby. And it's a very cool one. He has decided to build a model train set - complete with all the life-like scenery. So far he's just got the track glued down to the plywood, but that's step 1 and it's done.

Bud and I took the boys to his house yesterday so they could check out the train. The boys really liked it - but I think Bud liked it the most. Him and my dad just couldn't get enough. It was really cool watching how excited they were about it all. . . . like little kids in a candy shop.

Papa taught the boys how to line the train up on the track, and he also let them be the conductor - they got to control when it stopped and started, and how fast it went. JD loved doing that.
They both just watched that train go around and around on the track. I think the boys are gonna love going over there and seeing how the train model set progresses. I think they'll look forward to seeing what has changed each time we go visit. And to tell you the truth --- I can't wait to see the progress myself! It makes me so happy to see my dad this excited about something again. :)

My dad decided to do this because he had a train back when he was a little guy. His dad (Papa Jack) bought him one, but since they're so expensive and he didn't want it broken, my dad wasn't really allowed to play with it. So my dad decided to build one now because he remembered how much he liked having that train with his dad, and wanted to be able to do the same thing now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will have to get my dad to send me some pics of his train set-up. It's the second one he's done. The first one he did when I was a kid, this new one he started a couple of years ago. It is a fun hobby to watch. -Rosie