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Thursday, September 22, 2011

B-B-B-Birthday Week(end)

Why do we get only 1 day to celebrate our birthdays? I think we should get a week. Well, I'll settle for a birthday weekend. My pals at work kicked off my birthday weekend today with a really pretty (and scrumptiously delicious) chocolate cake.

Tomorrow I'm taking the day off work - I'm going to work out, get a pedicure, and maybe even do a little shopping. Then I'm picking up Ryan, we're heading back to the house and waiting for Bud and JD. Then we're taking the boys to Nanie & Bada's to spend the night while we go out for a night on the town. Or dinner. And a movie? Not sure what Bud's got planned, but whatever it is, it involves sleeping in. Yay!

1 comment:

Rose said...

I love the Daisys on the cake! Happy Birthday!!