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Friday, September 2, 2011

My Love/Hate Relationship

. . . with donuts. Ugh! Those little devils. I love them so much that I hate them. I hate that I love them. I kinda wish they hated me. But they don't. They love me as much as I love them.

Almost every Friday my boss brings two dozen to the office. I guess it's his sick and cruel way of ending the week and starting the weekend on a good (bad) note. To top it off, he puts them on the desk next to mine. Why me? Oh yeah, it's the only empty desk in our area. We really should hurry up and hire someone to fill that desk so I don't have to hear those devilish delights scream my name for an ENTIRE DAY!!! I just don't have that much fight in me. It's too much. So much so that I gave in today. Not once (because I usually give in once), but twice. TWICE!!!

The sad part is that I've been working out so hard for the last few weeks, complaining that I can't lose any weight. So what do I do? I lose all my willpower and consume about 1,000 calories of pure holey sugary bliss.

Donuts. Donuts. Donuts.
I love you. I hate you. I love you. I hate you.
Yep. I love you. I do.

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