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Friday, July 29, 2011

We'll Call Her "Lacey"

I don't know who's more excited...the boys or Bud. Bud found out he was getting a new puppy for the boys about 2 weeks ago and he's been dying to tell them. He finally told them about 2 days ago that they had a surprise coming, and today was the day.

We have a morning routine. The boys are up at 6:15, then they come in and watch something on TV (right now, it's "Indiana Jones"), and they have to finish all their responsibilities (eat, brush teeth, put on shoes, put away tray, grab whatever toys they want, turn off the lights) before 7am, and if they do, they can go outside and see the puppies. Well, this morning, I had it planned that we'd go outside together...me with my movie camera so I could capture the moment. And when they walked up to their cages in the backyard, they'd see their new puppy. Instead, when we opened the back door, there she was on the deck, wandering around. It's like she knew that her new owners were waiting inside.

JD couldn't believe it when I told him that the new puppy was for him and Ryan, and that Daddy would NOT be using her to hunt. She could come out of her cage and run and play with them. He said he had no idea the surprise was a puppy - he thought it was going to be a new toy. He was thrilled and immediately fell in love with her, and she did with him as well, licking his hands and letting him scratch her back. Ryan laid on her a couple of times, but he was more interested in climbing the railing of the deck.

They decided to call her Lacey, since she's a Blue Lacey. Much better than JD's first suggestion - "New Dog I Love." Seriously? Quite a name for a puppy!

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