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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Galveston Vacation - July 2011

I said I was going to post more about our recent vacation, so I guess it's about time. Let me start by reminding you that this vacation was planned last minute because we tried to be spontaneous. After we finally booked it all, things started happening that led me to start believing we weren't supposed to go at all.

We planned to leave Sunday after church, but the Friday before, Ryan started running a fever. 103-degree fever. Bud took him to the doctor on Saturday while JD and I ran errands to get ready for our trip. The doctor said he must have a virus because he didn't have any kind of infection, which meant it just had to run its course. Great.

Then, we found out rain was expected for 3 days out of the 5 we were going to be there. Of course, it was too late to cancel, so we headed to Galveston anyway, praying that we'd see enough sun to still enjoy it.

On our way there, we stopped in Katy to get gas and discovered we had a flat tire. Perfect! We saw a Discount Tire just down the street, so Bud aired up, put in some Fix-it-Flat and we headed over. It's 5pm on Sunday and they're closed (as they should be). So, Bud found a shade tree, parked under it, and changed a tire. He decided it was a good time to give me a lesson in tire-changing since I don't know how. Then I watched him struggle to get the lug nuts loose. He's a very strong guy - if it's tough for him, how would I be able to do that? Mental note to self: flat tire = call USAA.

Back in the car, spare in tact, need to air it up. We pull up to an air machine....OUT OF ORDER. Of course it is. Why not? So we head to another gas station to find an air machine. Found one, aired up, and on our way again.

From there on out, we were fine. Other than Ryan's fever. He ran 103.5 fever for 7 days straight, including the first 4 days of our vacation!!! I even called the doctor on Day 3 to see if we should be concerned. Nope. He said he could run a fever for a week or more. He had no other symptoms, and as long as we gave him Motrin, he was fine. But that was a chore too. He absolutely HATES taking medicine.

Other than those initial obstacles, we had an awesome time in Galveston. We spent a lot of time at the pool....we rented one of those tandem bicycles and rode up and down the Seawall for about an hour....

...we went to the beach for a little while....spent a day at the NASA Space Center (that place is amazing - and I will have to post something completely separate for that day)....went to Schlitterbahn....and went to Moody Gardens to see the Dino Alive dinosaur exhibit and movie.

In the end, the spare tire held up, Ryan's fever finally went away our last day, and it only rained one day (the day we went to NASA). While we had a great time this year, hopefully next year, we can do something bigger, like a cruise, or Disney, and I'm dying to take them on their first plane trip. Now that the kids are getting older, it's easier to travel with them. No more diapers, bottles, play pens, strollers, etc. So Summer 2012....we can't wait til you're here!

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Hey! You know someone super cool (aka ME) who lives in Katy . . . we would have been happy to help with the tire issues. Glad your vacation went well - and next time you're around here, call me! I'm fun, I swear ;)