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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Rise to the Challenge - Week 5

So I was a part of a 5-week scrapbook layout challenge. It's called Rise to the Challenge and is meant to push you out of your scrappy box. And that, it did! It was really tough for me. Each week was totally different.

The first week's challenge was the 7s -- we had to use 7 pieces of cardstock, 7 pieces of patterened paper, 7 different techniques, 7 brads, 7 flowers and 7 letters/words in our title.

Week 2: We had to use 28 or 82 embellishments, a summer theme, as well as orange paper (color of the sun), blue paper (color of water) and brown paper (color of sand). That was the hardest week for me. Ugh!

Week 3: Raw journaling -- we had to write some heart-felt journaling, and had to use a household item to stamp something on our page, and we had to do some distressing.

Week 4: The Cindy Lauper challenge - we had to use some of the lyrics from Cindy Lauper's song "Time After Time" in our title or journaling. In addition, we had to incorporate a clock. I really loved how that page turned out. I'll have to post it here later. I need to get it off my camera.

Week 5: ABC logo week. We had to incorporate 1 of about 6 logos we were provided into our page. I chose the Kraft logo. We also had to use the entire alphabet on our page, and use a masking technique. The page below is what I came up with.

The RTTC challenge was exactly that....a challenge. I wondered, at times, if I was creative enough to do it. I'm glad I did though. I certainly learned a lot!

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