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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Bud's new "toy"

So Bud finally got a new toy. He used to have the 1975 Nova that I bought him for Christmas in 2006 (after his gun accident!). He sold it last month and has been feverishly looking for a new car to play with. This time, though, he wanted something that he could actually drive. The Nova sat in the driveway for over 2 years and we never even put insurance on it because he couldn't get it to consistently run.

So after being on Craigslist almost every waking moment of everyday since selling the Nova, he came across this 1999 Camaro Z28. The original asking price was a little over his budget, but his negotiating skills came in handy (I swear, he should either sell cars for a living...or work in a flea market in Mexico! LOL!) So he negotiated a really great deal and the whole family drove up to Round Rock on Sunday. That was a fiasco...the traffic in Austin was horrendous for a Sunday afternoon. It was bumper-to-bumper the entire 2 1/2 hours! We finally made it to Round Rock, and the car was beautiful...even better than the pictures. So Bud bought the car with the cash he had from the Nova, and we drove back to San Antonio - me and the kids in the Tahoe, and Bud in his new car.

The kids spent more than 5 hours in the car and were extremely restless and agitated (we all were!), so the drive home was not a fun one! But we made it.

Then Bud spent the entire evening yesterday cleaning, organizing and rearranging the garage so he could fit his new toy in. I can't believe he did it! [Our next purchase? A shed! If you know of a good deal on sheds, let us know!]

Bud's really happy with his new car. And I'll admit -- it's very nice. Kinda brings back memories of the Z28 I had when we got married. I just hope this time he doesn't do so much exhaust work that we set off car alarms when we drive it! LOL!

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