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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween 2012

What a fun Halloween! The boys were adorable in their superhero costumes (yes, superheroes once again), and Ashton looked really awesome in his Joker get-up.

JD - Blue Power Ranger
Brooks - The Incredible Hulk
Timmy - Red Power Ranger
Case - a Shark (handmade by Nanie --- super cute!!!)
Ryan - Captain America
Ashton - The Joker from Dark Knight
The superheroes, taking over the neighborhood.

Papa with his 4 grandsons. He should've dressed up too. Maybe he can be
Superman or something next year.
Kelli and I were Willy Wonka Oompa-Loompas at work, so we wore our costumes out trick or treating with the boys. We did a skit with the other people in our department for our office's costume contest. Over the years, it's evolved from a costume contest to an actual performance. We did an 8-minute skit/dance/performance and WE WERE AWESOME!!  You can watch the video here.
We had so much fun this Halloween. It was a very busy, fun-filled day. Too bad it was on a Wednesday though and had to call it a night early then head to work and school the next morning. If I was president, I would totally make Halloween the last Friday of October.

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