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Monday, October 15, 2012

Bud's Newest Toy

So Bud finally sold his white truck - the 1997 Ford F250 - about 2 weeks ago. Since then, he's been on a continuous Craigslist search for another hunting truck within his price range (the amount from the sale of his white truck). This time, he wanted something that had a little lift to it. After hours spent on Craigslist, he finally found it and went and bought it yesterday.

He called as he was driving up the street and told me and the boys to go outside and wait for him. As he drove up, and the boys realized it was him in his new truck, they were very pleased with what they saw. JD's response was a very calm and confident "Now that's what I'm talkin' about!"  And like a parrot, Ryan had the same reaction.


As soon as he parked it in the driveway, they ran over to the "monster truck" and jumped in. And when they woke up this morning, they asked me if dad took the monster truck to work. When I said "no," they shreiked with excitement and asked if they could go out and see it -- so that's what they did; they ran outside and admired their new monster truck again. They even came up with a name for it --- "Rocket Blaster" --- and asked if they could paint it on the outside of the truck.

JD was so excited and grateful that he even wrote Bud a thank you letter this morning before he headed off to school.

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