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Saturday, January 28, 2012

11 Years and Counting

Bud and I have been together for almost 17 years (in May) but our 11th wedding anniversary was yesterday, January 27th. We went out tonight after JD's party to celebrate. Kelli and Jason took our boys home with them so we could have the evening together to celebrate, so we went to Saltgrass Steak House and had a very nice dinner, complete with steak, cheesecake and a warm cup of coffee to top it off. So delicious.

What did we do afterwards? Um. We went home. Haha! You know you're old when you have the night together away from the kids and you don't have the energy to do anything after dinner. So sad. But honestly, it's totally fine with me. We had a great day, and a delicious grown-up dinner with just my hubby was a great way to end it.

Happy Anniversary Bud! 11 Years Down, Many More to Go!

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