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Monday, August 1, 2011

What I'm Reading Right Now

I love love love to read.
It's one of my favorite hobbies, especially when I find a really great book that I can sink myself into. I'm mostly a fiction reader, although I do a have a few non-fiction, self help books like The Everything Parents Guide to Raising Boys (Lord knows I need the help. Haha!) and Total Money Makeover (again, need the help!).

Right now, I'm totally into Karen Kingsbury's Redemption series. It's a 5-book series, set in Bloomington, IN and is centered around the Baxter family. I know it's just a book, but man, I almost feel like I know this family. I laugh with them and cry with them (alot), and oftentimes, find myself praying with them.

Karen is a Christian writer and I'm so glad I discovered her. I heard about this series on K-Love radio station, and immediately bought the book and started reading. I've had a hard time putting it down since then. I've finished books 1-4 and am in the middle of the 5th and final book. As I started #5, I got a little sad because I was going to miss the Baxters....until I found out that there's another 5-book series linked to this one. I can't wait to start it!

I rarely read hard copy books these days. Bud and the boys got me a Nook for my birthday last year and I love it. That's the way I read most of my books now. I can carry it in my purse and read just about anywhere - doctors office, waiting in line for the car wash, in the drive-thru, etc.

Well......I guess that's it. I'm gonna get back to my book now.

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