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Friday, August 5, 2011

Time for Clean Up

What a mess!!! I love to scrapbook but I rarely find time to do it. And right now, anytime I think about it, I take two steps into my scrapbook room, see this mess, turn around and walk out. Ugh! I can't work in that mess, but I really don't want to clean it up either. I don't know what to do with everything. I really really need to get organized. I need shelves to put stuff on to get it out of the way and still be accessible.

Well, tonight might be the night....Bud is hunting. Again. Since I have the night to myself, I think I might just take this task on. We'll see how I feel after I put the kiddos to bed. I hope I can keep my motivation and drive to do it.

So here are my "before" pictures. Maybe I'll have "after" pictures tomorrow. We. Shall. See.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Guess you didn't stay motivated??? I want to see the "after" pictures.